inside scoop webinar with spaceback
Mar 26, 2024

WEBINAR: Social is outgrowing the walled gardens

Lyndsie Wise, Director of Product Marketing at illumin
Author Lyndsie Wise, Senior Director of Product Marketing

Display ads have not evolved since they hit the scene 15 years ago. Despite significant advancements to programmatic infrastructure (targeting, measurement, scale, etc.), the actual ad experience has barely changed and is often an afterthought.

Audiences have developed a great deal of banner blindness as these ads typically don’t grab a ton of attention.

However, people love social media. The content is authentic and brands typically put their best creative assets on social. 86% of people even follow a brand on social.

Social is already outgrowing the walled gardens with social posts being included in news stories, being played on the screen while pumping gas, and showcased during sporting events. During our May 21 webinar, we’ll walk through this evolution and show how Spaceback brings social creative to programmatic and how their partnership with illumin lets even more advertisers gain access to more authentic creative units. Watch the recording below!


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Casey SaranCasey Saran – Spaceback, CEO: Casey is Co-Founder and CEO of Spaceback, the first platform to bridge the gap between social and paid media. As a long-time product lead/digital advertising veteran, Casey has held senior positions at Admeld, Google (twice), Yieldmo, iSocket, and Magnite. He is also a champion disc-golfer and an active musician/recording artist.

Mark DinetsMark Dinets – Spaceback, Head of Channel Partnerships: Mark joined Spaceback three years ago and has 15 years of ad tech experience in roles at USA Today, Unruly (now part of Nexxen), and Vizio. At Spaceback, Mark ensures that re-seller and client-facing partners are fully comfortable with Social Display and Social CTV and the important role that they play in programmatic advertising. As a So-Cal native, Mark enjoys golfing and checking out new restaurants.