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illumin™ launches custom contextual advertising that ensures precise, relevant, and safe ad placement
Dec 07, 2021

Custom contextual advertising: illumin’s new innovation

Author Lyndsie Wise

We know one size does not fit all. So why shouldn’t that be true for your advertising placement? AcuityAds’ revolutionary journey automation technology, illumin, now offers custom contextual advertising categories through its integration with Peer39 and GumGum, the leading global providers of advanced contextual intelligence.


What is contextual advertising?

Contextual advertising means placing ads in environments where the audience and site content are similar and more relevant to the served ad. It leverages machine learning algorithms to analyze text, keywords, and pages to understand the context of the page to provide the most relevant targeting for advertisers. Users also have the ability to exclude sensitive categories to avoid such as violence, drugs, obscenity, hate, disaster, malware, illness, and more. 

Contextual advertising works by using sophisticated algorithms and programmatic advertising platforms to scan websites or app content. By analyzing the keywords, phrases, and themes present on a page, the system determines the most appropriate ads to display.

For example, if a user is reading an article about laptops, contextual targeting can display ads related to laptops, accessories, or other relevant products. This strategy makes it more likely that users will engage with the ads, as they are aligned with their current interests or needs.

The importance of contextual targeting lies in its ability to provide relevant content to users and increase the effectiveness of advertising campaigns. Instead of solely relying on user data or behavioral targeting, contextual targeting ensures that ads are shown within the context of the user’s online experience.

Our contextual advertising integrations leverage vendors accredited by the MRC (Media Rating Council) for content-level brand safety.

What are the benefits of contextual advertising?

Contextual targeting or contextual marketing in digital advertising, specifically display advertising, offers several benefits for both publishers and advertisers.

For publishers, contextual targeting lets them sell their inventory at a higher price. By understanding the context of their website’s content, publishers can offer advertisers relevant ad placements that align with the users’ interests and intentions. This increases the value of the ad space, attracting advertisers that are willing to pay a premium for targeted placements.

Furthermore, contextual targeting enhances the user experience. By delivering ads that are aligned with the content the user is consuming, publishers can ensure that ads are relevant and valuable to the user. This improves user engagement and satisfaction, ultimately benefiting the publisher in terms of increased user loyalty and prolonged website visits.

Contextual targeting also helps publishers monetize their first-party data. By analyzing the themes and topics of their content, publishers can gain insights into their audience’s preferences and interests. This data can then be used to create audience segments that advertisers can target, allowing publishers to offer more valuable advertising opportunities to their clients.

From an advertiser’s perspective, contextual targeting offers advantages to effectively reach their target audience. For niche products or services, contextual targeting ensures that ads appear on websites and pages that are relevant to their offering. This increases the likelihood of reaching potential customers who are actively seeking related products or information.

Additionally, contextual targeting helps to engage users in the right frame of mind. By appearing alongside relevant content, ads can capture users’ attention and tap into their current interests or needs. This increases the chances of them taking action, such as making a purchase or clicking on the ad for more information.

Lastly, contextual targeting improves return on investment (ROI) for advertisers. By displaying ads to a relevant and engaged audience, the likelihood of generating conversions and achieving campaign objectives increases. This leads to higher ROI compared to generic or irrelevant placements.

Contextual advertising categories

Contextual advertising provides advertisers the ability to target contextually relevant categories for specific advertising tactics. Users can choose from standard curated categories by Peer39 and GumGum or design their own with our new custom categories feature. Custom contextual categories allow advertisers to target with more precision than ever before, ensuring relevant ad placement with the highest degree of brand safety. 


See the power of contextual advertising for yourself

Interested in learning more about illumin and contextual advertising tactics? Click here to schedule a demo and learn how contextual advertising can help you meet your marketing goals.

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