Father's Day gifts
Jun 17, 2024

Best Father’s Day ads of 2024

Dayna Lang
Author Dayna Lang

Every year there is a gamut of creative and heartwarming Father’s Day ads hitting the small screen and this year is no different. From ads that tug at your heartstrings, to comedic takes on parenthood; advertisers hit the mark this year. Each brand has its own take on what it means to be a father, reminding audiences to take the time to show their dad how much they appreciate them. 

The top Father’s Day ads of 2024

Here’s the best of the best from this year’s Father’s Day lineup. 

Evite – Second Catch

This ad beautifully encourages dads to connect with their daughters. In particular, it calls upon dads to include their daughters in outdoor activities like fishing. A recent report from the Recreational Boating & Fishing Foundation found that adolescent girls stop fishing at a rate 11% higher than their male counterparts, in part because they aren’t included in the sport by male role models. Second Catch recounts family traditions and promotes making childhood memories and the importance of a father/daughter relationship. 

Pepsi – Smoked Cologne with Boby Flay 

Pepsi and Bobby Flay Smoked Campaign

This year for Father’s Day, Pepsi has teamed up with celebrity chef Bobby Flay to launch a new grilling product – or is it? This new product is actually a fragrance, cleverly called “SMOKED A Grilling Inspired COLAogne.” Arriving in time to make the perfect Father’s Day gift, this cologne is designed to combine the scents of flame-fired grill and Pepsi. 

Dr Squatch – featuring Nick Cannon

This humorous, but topical ad from Dr Squatch features celebrity Nick Cannon, whose prolific fatherhood and rumored vasectomy captured headlines this past year. Not afraid of a little controversy, this natural soap brand comedically values Cannon’s reproductive abilities at $10 million and dubbs its new partnership “Most Valuable Balls.” This partnership is funny and attention-grabbing, easily promoting the company’s men’s care products. 

Elijah Craig Bourbon – Celebrate Father’s Day With The Father Of Bourbon 

This ad from Elijah Craig Bourbon is a heartfelt tribute to fatherhood. In it, the company (and the man himself) unveiled a new campaign championing the pioneers behind bourbon. The ad spans generations, examining and highlighting the paternal bonds and nostalgic memories that created the spirit and brought it to where it is today. The ad campaign is anchored by Elijah Craig’s signature Toasted Barrel Bourbon and asks the audience to reflect on meaningful connections – while sharing a glass of this timeless bourbon, of course. 


For even more “best of” content, check out The best Mother’s Day ads of 2024, The best Father’s Day and Mother’s Day ads of 2023, and The most viewed video ads of Father’s Day 2022.


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